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Kyoto Fair started!

To coincide with Japan’s cherry blossom season, LeaLea Market is holding a Kyoto Fair for one month from April 1st to April 30th. We have assembled a collection of Kyoto’s exquisite sweets and snacks that buyers have traveled to Kyoto to sample. Enjoy the authentic taste of Kyoto that you can’t get anywhere else! Click Here to see more!

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Dry Bags now on sale!

We are now on sale for our Hawaii exclusive dry bags! Dry bags are made for waterproof, and suitable for the beaches, pools, and any outdoor activities, such as hiking. These are also good as a gym bags or survival/disaster prevention bags. 2L sizes, we can put purse, cell phones, keys, and any small necessities. 5L and 10L sizes come with the straps, so that we can use them as a shoulder bags, and put large items, such as beach towels, swimming suits, and clothes. The regular price of 2L size dry bag is $12, but if you purchase 5 of them, they are $6 each, which is 50% off!! […]

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LeaLeaマーケットでは母の日にぴったりなスペシャルギフトをセレクトしました。折りたたむとハワイアンむすび型、広げたらパイナップルデザインのエコバッグや、ちょっとしたお出かけにぴったりなミニトート、ハワイ限定のコーラル色のハイドロフラスクや、ジョギングやウォーキングなどに最適はスポーツサングラスgoodrの日本未発売モデルなど多数ご用意しております。他にもハワイ在住アーティストのアートプリントやポーチなどの小物など実用系小物から癒しグッズまで幅広く取り扱っております。ハワイやアメリカ本土への送料は無料です。こんな時期だからこそオンラインでハワイの特別なギフトを。。 母の日ギフト特集